We will help you to achieve success through:

Our Expertise

Our team members have worked in diverse organizations before joining Cap Alpha. Their cumulative experience constitutes a ‘toolbox’ for portfolio companies and helps in mutual understanding with entrepreneurs. Furthermore, we are constantly learning from our portfolio and look to share lessons learned and best practices with all our founders.

Our Full Commitment

Cap Alpha is independent of all financial institutions. It was not spun off from an existing entity and was started from scratch by its team. The team is fully committed to the success of the portfolio companies, with no outside interest.

Our Community

Starting a company is solitary and challenging. Working with other people going through the same challenges makes a huge difference. At Cap Alpha, once a founder is in our portfolio, we plug them into other great founders through workshops and private events such as portfolio dinners, and yearly investor summits. Founders who have gone through our program tell us that the Cap Alpha‘s community is extremely valuable.

Our Approach

With the aim of joining our Seed Acceleration Program or directly our Fundraising Opportunities, Cap Alpha‘s team will set up a 360° analysis of your project/product/company.

It is a three-step analysis:

  1. Conformity check: initial analysis of the project to verify that it matches the fund’ scope and criteria
  2. Business Analysis: Review of the business model & key assumptions with founders
  3. Launch & Acceleration: If validation and common agreement are reached, either your project will join our Seed Acceleration Program or directly Fundraising Opportunities.

Our Seed Acceleration Program

Cap Alpha‘ Seed Acceleration Program is intended for entrepreneurs who would like to translate their ideas into projects, willing to start the process of building a startup company.

It is a 4-month program focusing on proof-of-concept validation by KOLs, market opportunity validation, VC’s exit scenarios identification, value-creating milestones, project roadmap definition, cash needs assessment, and IP strategy. The deliverable is a business plan and investor slide deck backed by solid field validations. This program supported by our strong alumni network will help you at each step of your project.

Our Fundraising Opportunities

We have successfully helped our companies raise multiple rounds of financing after our initial investment. We invest knowing our founders will be raising multiple rounds, and we want to continue investing throughout that journey. We have helped our companies bring on board top-tier global investors.

Our Recruitment of Talents

We know you are raising money to hire great talent and we try to source that talent for you. Furthermore, with access to our community, events, and newsletters, you will be able to promote your needs to a panel of professionals.

Our Regional Expansion Plan

With investments across seven countries, we have a local partner in each country. We co-invest with local investors to tap the local expertise and help open new networks. We help to expand your operations across Asia and Middle-East, plugging our founders into our network of entrepreneurs and successful mentors.